Product offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Dandelion root,
A perennial herb with thick tap root and abundant milky juice in all parts;
leaves radical, sessile, variable in shape, narrowly oblong, irregularly
Pinnatitid, lobes linear or triangular, toothed; flowers yellow in ligulate
heads; fruits glabrous achenes, flattened, ribbed minutely, spiny on the
upper half, crowned with White pappus hairs.

Chemical Constituents
The frug contains a bitter crystalline principle, taraxacin and a
crystalline substance, taraxacerine; the phytosterols-taraxasterol and
homotaraxasterol besides saponin. The milky sap contain cerylalcohol,
lactuce-roltaraxacin, and choline. The root yields inulin, tannin and some
ethereal oil; the leaves contain vitamin C and the flowers xanthophylls.
Also contain Potassium and Vitamin A.
Cosmetic Uses
Dandelion root is known to be an excellent blood cleanser, specifically for
the liver, as well as a mild laxative. Dandelion by Benefit is a pinkish
powder that makes you look very fresh, makes your skin glow and Hoola, also
by Benefit, gives you a suntanny look but it's very light.
Benefit's ballerina-pink pressed highlighting powder. Just one stroke of
Dandelion takes your complexion from dull to radiant in an instant. It's
shimmery, satiny, radiant, perk-me-up finish is guaranteed to make them
wonder ..."How do you look so pretty at eight in the morning?"
Dandelion leaves are commonly recommended as a food supplement for pregnant
and postmenopausal women because of the numerous nutrients they contain.
This plant produces a mild diuretic effect and reduces serum cholesterol
levels. Dandelion root is used to improve appetite and minor digestive
problems. Clinical trials have shown Dandelion to be effective in treating
pneumonia, bronchitis and upper respiratory infections.
Medicinal Uses
The plant is bitter, acrid, thermogenic, vulnerary, digestive, stomachic,
anthelmintic, aperient, liver tonic, sudorific, febrifuge, diuretic,
antibacterial, depurative, anti- inflammatory, cholagogue, stimulant and
tonic. It is useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and vata, chronic
ulcers, tuberculosis, dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, verminosis,
constipation, strangury, nephropathy, fever, skin diseases, leprosy,
inflammations, gout stiff joints, insomnia, hypochondria, jaudice, biliary
calculi and other hepatic diseases and debility. Root is diuretic, tonic
laxative, cholagogue, anti-rheumatic and aperient. The tender leaves are
used as 'Salad' when harvested in spring, the plant has a slight inulin
content and is used as a bitter for loss of appetite and stomach upsets. The
drug promotes the secretion of gall and is a useful remedy for chronic
disorders of kidney and liver. It has been in use for gallstones,
cholecystitis, jaundice, tonic dyspepsia with constipation, muscular
rheumatism and oligurea.
Even though this plant is extremely common and was once an official drug,
little information is available on its mode of action. Dandelion leaves have
diuretic and saluretic action better than the root. They also deliver a good
supply of potassium, useful with a diuretic. Inulin, one of the major
chemicals in Dandelion, is currently being studied extensively for its
immunostimulatory function (see Echinacea). Inulin is also used to
strengthen the kidneys and as a pancreatic aid. Some studies have indicated
a hypoglycemic effect of Dandelion.
Dandelion root is recommended for the liver. Dandelion root also purifies
the blood, increases bile production and improves the function of the
spleen, pancreas, stomach and kidneys. It can be used for gout, anemia,
rheumatism, cirrhosis, hepatitis, boils, cramps, fluid retention,
constipation and breast tumors. This contains biotin, choline, fats,
inositol, linolenic acid, pantothenic acid, lactu...